Colchester Green Party is standing candidates in all Wards this year in the local elections on Thursday May 2nd. Your candidates are:
Berechurch: John Clifton
Castle: Kemal Çufoğlu
Greenstead: Lisa Cross & Zac Roulston
Highwoods: Antony Greenwood
Lexden & Braiswick: Roger Bamforth
Marks Tey & Layer: Amy Sheridan
Mersea & Pyefleet: Libby Kirkby-Taylor
Mile End: Amanda Kirke
New Town & Christ Church: Sara Nicola Ruth
Old Heath & the Hythe: Andrew Canessa
Prettygate: Natalie Edgoose
Rural North: John Burgess
Shrub End: Bob Brannan
St Anne’s & St John’s: Sebastian Dwyer
Stanway: Clare Smee
Tiptree: Clare Burgess
Wivenhoe: Berthold Lausen