We are always welcoming amazing individuals who want to contribute to our local party

Colchester & District Green Party is a grassroots movement of volunteers all working hard to build a greener future for the borough.
If you’d like to get stuck in and make change happen in Colchester and beyond, get in touch by emailing info@colchester.greenparty.org.uk


We are always welcoming amazing individuals who want to contribute to our local party

Colchester & District Green Party is a grassroots movement of volunteers all working hard to build a greener future for the borough. If you’d like to get stuck in and make change happen in Colchester and beyond, get in touch by emailing info@colchester.greenparty.org.uk 

not yet a member?

Join the green surge today and be part of a party that is transforming UK politics from the ground up!

membership starts from as little as £6 per year

what are you waiting for?

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