How To Object To Building Over Middlewick Ranges

How To Object To Building Over Middlewick Ranges

Despite opposition from Colchester Green Party, 1000 houses on Middlewick Ranges is still included in the Local Plan. Our view is that the MOD should withdraw the sale of the land, a decision which started all of this, and also that Middlewick Ranges should never have been included in the draft Local Plan.
Residents again have an opportunity to object to this and it is important to do so in order to keep the pressure on the MOD and the government.
Follow the following steps:

a) Search for
b) Click Draft Schedule of Main Modificationsto Section 2 Colchester Local Plan
c) Scroll down to MM35 and click the small blue speech symbol above this
d) If it asks you to create an account, which it may do, you must do this and it takes 30 seconds. Otherwise sign in.
e) Once signed in, click the blue icon if the page has not changed
f) Click ‘object’ and ‘next’
g) For the next section, in the order of boxes, click ‘Yes’, ‘no’ and ‘no'(yes for the first box or they will ask you how legally it is not compliant in planning terms).
h) Then enter your response.

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