Colchester Green Party’s 2023 AGM will be held on Saturday 23rd September at 2pm. The Venue will be confirmed later but will probably be the Climate Hub (LEAF) in Priory Walk. Save the date if you are a member. Members will have received an email from our Nominating Officer about how to apply for a position on our Exec.
The following Executive Committee roles are up for election:
- Convenor, who shall co-ordinate the local Party and chair meetings, who has top-line responsibility for GDPR compliance;
- Secretary, who shall take minutes of Executive Committee meetings, who is the official Local Party Contact, who has Safeguarding Officer responsibilities;
- Nominating Officer, who shall obtain certification from the national party’s nominating officer enabling them to authorise election candidates to use the name “Green Party”, who shall be the certified Holder of the Authority to request Electoral Registers;
- Election Agent, who shall act as the Electoral Agent for candidates in external elections, act as Electoral Returning Officer for internal elections;
- Treasurer, who shall be responsible for the Party’s accounts and who shall inform the national party’s registered treasurer of all donations and loans of more than five hundred pounds (£500), who shall present accounts to the Party at regular meetings;
- Campaign Co-ordinator, who shall be responsible for electoral strategy and electoral campaign(s);
- Comms & Media Officer, who shall coordinate the production of content and media notices, and be responsible for social media accounts held by the Party;
- Membership & Engagement Officer, who shall engage with the members and prospective members to increase recruitment and retention;
- Fundraising & Events Officer, who shall be responsible for organising events which generate income and provide social activity for the members;
- Policy Officer, who shall be responsible for local policy (with approval of Executive Committee) and keeping abreast of National Party policy, acting as a liaison with National Party on policy matters;
- Digital Officer, who shall be delegated the responsibility by the convenor for the Party’s data and ensuring its safekeeping, who will report back to the convenor on this, who will be responsible for maintaining the Party’s website, and analysing data to shape policy and electoral campaigning;
- Young Greens Officer, who shall be responsible for coordinating the activities of Young Greens in Colchester.